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    I am a Mommy and a wife. I run. I blog. Life is good! This blog is meant to look at the lighter side of learning how to be a runner. If you stop by, I'd love to hear from you!

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    Running Training Log

Rocking the Pigeon Pose

My New Gym

In my last post, I mentioned that I was going to check out a new gym. For $10 per month and no commitment, I wasn’t sure what to expect.

I was impressed! The gym is large, clean, filled with new equipment, and not filled with big egos. The staff is friendly and didn’t try to pressure me into upgrading my membership to one of the more costly options. There are plenty of free weights, weight machines, and lots of cardio machines!

At my old gym, there were too many grunting, sweaty, guys with egos larger than their overworked biceps.  The staff & trainers wouldn’t give you the time of day unless you had an appointment… or if they were trying to get me to recruit my friends and family.  There were times when I’d notice at least three or four broken machines.  While the group instructors at my old gym were great, the rest of the gym wasn’t worth the money they took out of my account each month.

I had a great workout last night and can’t wait to go back tomorrow!  I’m happy that I signed up… especially since I made the decision to not run for another week or so.   I want to give my heel another rest.  In the meantime, I plan to get used to walking barefoot, learn the Chi method, strengthen my weak spots, and cross train.  My goal is to start fresh with new & improved running form (Chi), prepare myself to run either barefoot or with minimal footwear (as long as it helps), and to hopefully lose as little conditioning as possible while I wait to run.

My Awesome Yoga Moves

At the end of my workout, I did my usual set of stretches.  My favorite of all the stretches is the pigeon pose.  If you aren’t familiar with this delightful Yoga pose, please refer to the hand-drawn figure below:

This is an artist rendering of me, doing the half-pigeon pose.  It is a great stretch for runners because it opens the hips and helps prevent IT Band injuries.*

I was in my own little iPod World when I was doing my stretches and didn’t notice that one of the trainers was watching me.  As I was leaving, he said good-bye (something my old gym never did) and told me he liked my pigeon-pose. I was both flattered and a little bashful.

In my usual verbal-communicationally-challenged way, I stuttered and mumbled something like, “Oh. Well. Uh.  I’m a runner.”

Yes, I’m just that smooth when a young, good-looking man compliments me on my pigeon-pose.  Good thing I’m married and planning on staying that way, or I’d be destined for Old-Maidhood!

This is how cool my new gym is:  The trainer didn’t look at me in that bewildered way I’m so used to… he got it!  He said, “Yes.  That is a great stretch for runners!  Really opens up the hips.”   Ahhhh… awkward moment deflected.

As I fled the gym, kicking myself for saying such stupid things,  I knew I made a good decision.  I think I’m really going to like working out there… at least one of the trainers seems to understand what runners need.  I like that.

*If, for some strange reason, my artistic talent doesn’t give you enough information about this great stretch, Google it!  It’s well worth it!

Another Surf City Update
Thanks to blogger friend, Glenn, at The Running Fat Guy, I learned that I cannot pick up my race packet the day of the race.  Now our plans are to stay at a hotel about 10 miles from the start (about $400 less expensive than our original start-line hotel plan).  Fortunately, the new hotel includes a shuttle service for two to the starting line.  So, we will head up on Saturday, go to the Expo, pick up my race packet, stay overnight, and go home on Sunday.

I am really looking forward to the Surf City Half Marathon!!  Wheee!

Happy Friday, everyone!!  The weekend is here!

Born to Run, Forced to Ride

I really dislike not being able to run.

And I have mixed feelings about bike riding:  Cycling is fun, fast, and satisfying.  I love the sound of the wind blowing past my helmet-clad head.  I like thinking that I may be able to out-ride even the meanest rabid dog, should one choose to try to take a chunk out of my leg.  I enjoy being able to go relatively far distances on my bike.  Mostly, I love the speed I can get while going down a steep hill.

So, why do I get on my bike somewhat begrudgingly?  Because it’s not running.  The thing is, I love to run.  I only like to bike.

I like the solitude I get from running.  I love the control running gives me.  I can control my speed (as long as it’s set on slow).  When I run, I can see cars coming toward me because I can run facing on-coming traffic.  I like knowing that I won’t get a flat shoe when I run.  I feel secure in knowing that if I fall while running, I probably don’t have to worry about getting a brain injury.

Don’t get me wrong, I totally “get” why people why people love to cycle!  If I weren’t a runner, I’d be a cyclist.  Maybe.  Or a couch potato.

The other day, I received an email from a company that makes cycling jerseys.  They wanted me to check out their website and mention it on my blog  if I liked what I saw.  At first I laughed that they had obviously mistaken me for a cycling enthusiast.  Then I reminded myself that cycling often ends up being an important part of a runner’s training.  Especially when that runner is trying to recover from a running related injury, such as myself.  At the very least, cycling can be a great cross-training activity… and we’ve all read of the importance of  cross-training.

I checked out their website.  And I liked what I saw!  The website is Share the Damn Road.  If you are a runner who cycles because of injury… or a tri-athlete… or a good little cross-trainer… check out this site!  These jerseys make a statement. And they are sort of funny, without taking away from the seriousness of the message.

This one makes me laugh because it’s so simple… but it says it all:

I love understated remarks!
Notice that the “Thanks” is backwards so drivers can view it in their mirrors.
Then there’s this one:
I could have used this one several times on my last bike ride.
Hmmm… I wonder if they have the arrow going the other direction in Europe.

I’m not so sure about this one:

This one is just asking for some smart a$$ teenager to honk.

I really like this one but I’m not sure if I want to be seen riding up to my church-based preschool in it:

Hmmm… maybe if I still worked in public school…

There are other jerseys available on the site… all of them have the dry humor seen on these examples.  Um, at least I assume the makers of these jerseys mean them to be funny.    Serious, but funny*.

*I apologize to Share the Damn Road if they aren’t meant to be funny.   It’s possible that I have a warped sense of humor.

In any case, there are times when I am scared of the drivers that share (or don’t share) the road with me. There are times when cars whiz by me so close or so fast that I fear for my life for a few seconds.  Maybe these jerseys will make drivers more aware.  I know I would notice these jerseys if I saw one while driving.  I am not a jerk so I would give the cyclist room.  I would slow down.  I wouldn’t honk (not that I do now).  I would NOT run the cyclist over (again… not that I do now).

What do you think?

Rain or Shine, It’s On!

I did it!  I am officially registered for the Jingle Bell Run/Walk 5K.  I even found someone cool enough to be a dork with me!  Her name is Bonnie and she just did the Las Vegas Marathon.

It’s funny how I met Bonnie:  Last school year, my son was one of the Students of the Month at his school.  Like any proud mommy, I took pictures and posted them on Facebook.  The next day, I got a FB message from someone who pointed out that her son was in one of the pictures I took.

That someone was Bonnie and her son was a Student of the Month, also.   Turns out we have a mutual friend who commented on my picture and Bonnie was able to see the picture because it was on our mutual friend’s wall.  At first I was worried that she was upset that her son’s picture was on a social networking site (you never know if someone is in the Witness Protection Program, after all).  Thankfully, she didn’t mind at all but noticed that I run.  And she runs.  Our sons are in the same grade at the same school, although they aren’t in the same class.

We’ve been Facebook friends ever since and I even see her at school sometimes.  Even though Bonnie just finished a marathon, she is planning on doing the Jingle Bell 5K with me!  She is even going to dress up (she’s adorable, by the way!).  Thanks, Bonnie!  I’m looking forward to getting to know you better.

A Run in the Rain?
Rumor has it that it is supposed to rain on Saturday.  If so, this will be my first rain race.  I don’t mind running in the rain (the one or two times I have had the opportunity).  Who knows?  Maybe I’ll run faster than usual just to get out of it… and to get an egg nog latte to warm up.

A Week of Rest
I mentioned in a previous post that I was going to take the week off of running because of my heel.  I’ve also taken a week off from any sort of exercise, unfortunately.  This is due to being a bit overwhelmed with my new job.  Even though I only work part-time, learning the “ropes” at any new job is exhausting for me.  By the afternoon, I am ready for bed!

I’m also fighting off a cold.  I feel OK… just congested and tired.  I’ve been taking mega doses of vitamin C and trying to take it easy.  I can almost hear Mrs. June Cleaver admonishing me, “You have a cold and you’re going to run 3.1 miles in the cold and the rain?  You’ll catch pneumonia!”

I have heard that this is just an old wives’ tale.  Supposedly there is no real evidence that getting a chill makes you catch a cold… or pneumonia.  I happen to be one of those people who don’t worry about her kids getting sick just because they insist on wearing flip-flops in the winter.  We don’t worry about frost-bite here, either, so what heck… flip-flop away!

Sock it to Me!
I still haven’t found my beloved Feetures Lite Cushion sock.  I have come to terms with the idea that he is never coming  back.  Click here to read the whole heart-breaking ordeal.   I have tried to find a decent substitute sock but have had no success.  No other sock hugs and pampers my feet like my Feetures.  So, tomorrow I am driving myself down to Road Runner Sports to get some more pairs.

Maybe I should become a Feetures spokes-woman.  I’d be in Sock Heaven!

How to Butcher a Fun Christmas Song

Just hear those shoe bells jingle-ing
Ring ting tingle-ing, too
Come on, it’s lovely weather
For a 5K together with you

Outside the sun is shining
And no one is whining boo-hoo
Come-on, it’s lovely weather
For a 5K together with you

Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up
Let’s go
Just go with the flow
I’m running in a 5K and I’m slow

Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, it’s grand
Just saying I ran
We’re running along with the song
Of a So Cal wintry land

My cheeks are nice and rosy
And sweaty, smelly am I
I’m running in spite of my heel pain
and I’m hoping I don’t cry

Let’s take the road before us
And sing a chorus or two
Come on, it’s lovely weather
For a 5K together with you

There’s a post-race party in the Park this very day
It’ll be a wonderful start to my Saturday
I’ll be running the course they’ve set without a single stop
I don’t care if my heel hurts so much I have to hop
Hop! Hop! Hop!

There’s a happy feeling nothing in the world can buy
Knowing that I ran my best and that I didn’t die
It would make a fine picture for Runner’s World, July
These wonderful things are things we remember all through our lives

Just hear those shoe bells jingle-ing
Ring ting tingle-ing, too
Come on, it’s lovely weather
For a 5K together with you

Outside the sun is shining
And no one is whining boo-hoo
Come-on, it’s lovely weather
For a 5K together with you

It’s lovely weather
For a 5K together with you

* My apologies to all those who are musically inclined, for I am not.

Jingle Bell 5K… Balboa Park in San Diego
As you’ve probably guessed, I plan on running the Jingle Bells 5K. My heel is still a bit sore but I’m taking the week off from running and I’m hoping for the best. I’ve even picked out what I’m going to wear.

Calling all San Diego Bloggers
I know a lot of you just ran the Vegas Rock ‘n Roll Marathon… half or full… but I bet your body would just love for you to do a 5K this weekend!  Join me in the Jingle Bells Run/Walk!  You are pretty much guaranteed to finish before me!!  You know you won’t be last!  We can dress in Christmassy stuff and have mimosas after the race (gah- that’s for you, Cindi!).

I am still hoping to get at least one other person to join me.  I want to have fun and dress up a bit.  Doing that just isn’t as much fun when you’re alone. But, if I have to do it alone, I will.  And I will have fun!

OK… I’m done begging.  I’m used to looking like a dork by myself.  ~sniff, sniff~

Needle Me, Baby!
I have another cortisone shot scheduled for next Friday. I can’t wait! Sick, I know… but I hardly felt the last cortisone shot I had. Maybe I was just being tough because my boys were with me at the doctor’s and they were fascinated by the big needle going into my heel.  If that’s the case, they can come with me every time because the experience was delightful!

Have You Seen My Mate?

Hi, all you people out there in Blogland! Sara is busy watching the Office, so I have taken over her blog with an urgent message.

Single White Sock Looking for Mr. Right

I am Sara’s sock. I’m not just any old sock, either. I am one half of a pair of Sara’s favorite running socks. I am a Feetures Light Cushion Low-Cut. Lately, I’ve been terribly lonely because my mate has gone missing. My sweet Mr. Right and I have had a wonderful life together. In fact, we were the socks Sara chose to wear for her marathon. We went 26.2 miles together, making sure Sara’s sweaty feet were comfortable and happy. It wasn’t an easy feat (pun intended- hey, socks can be funny, too) but we did it. Together. And now, Righty is gone.

We have looked all over the house and just can’t find him. Maybe the Sock Fairy took him. Maybe he ran off with that little Pink Sock that was always flirting with him… the little tramp! Perhaps he is lost in the mess of socks in the boys’ drawers and can’t find his way home.

His disappearance has left me heart-broken but I think I am finally ready to move on. I am looking for a new mate.

An Offer You Can’t Refuse

I strategically chose today to commandeer Sara’s blog page because this is her 100th post on Blogger!  *if you’re reading this on WordPress… it’s just the second post*

Yeah, yeah big deal…

I know a lot of bloggers celebrate these types of milestones by having a “Giveaway”.

Well, here’s the deal:
Sara doesn’t know how to get cool companies to give her things that she can offer up as a prizes. She’s sort of a loser that way. So, I decided I would offer up myself as the 100th Blog Giveaway. All you have to do to win me is have a mateless, lonely sock of your own (that’s one entry), become a follower of my Sara’s blog (that’s entry number two), and send me a picture of your lonely sock (if he’s good-looking, that’s 20 entries… if not, it’s one).

You see? It’s a win-win-win situation! I get a new mate, you win a match for your mateless sock, and Sara gets upgraded to the status of being a Giveaway Blogger!

Not sure if I’m a good match for your sock? Well, here are some of the things I like best:

  • Rainy nights by the fire
  • Gritty walks on the beach
  • Warm bubble baths in the washing machine
  • Running
  • Adventure

Uh-oh- I better run now… here comes Sara. I just bet she is going to update her Facebook status for the 20th time today.

So long & good luck!
– Miss Lef T. Sock

We’re Going to Surf City

Gonna Have Some Fun
It seems that lately, a lot of people have been announcing that they’ve signed up for the Surf City Marathon/Half Marathon. The race isn’t until February and I’ve been signed up since May (it was my Mother’s Day gift) so I haven’t been giving it a whole lot of thought… until now.

Last night, I figured it would be a good idea to check the website to confirm my registration. Once that was done, I continued to peruse the site. I just have to say, the finishers’ medals for the race are so cool!!

I love, love, love these medals!

Another thing I looked at on the website was the hotel listing for the area. I’m glad I did because the rooms near the starting line are selling out fast! The Hilton located right at the start is already sold out. The next best option seemed to be The Shorebreak Hotel since it is only about four blocks from the start. It’s a tad expensive and they have a two-night minimum that weekend but it has great reviews so I made reservations there. My husband is coming with me so we decided to splurge and make a fun weekend out of it. We are going up on Saturday and leaving on Monday.

We only live about an hour and a half from Huntington Beach but I do NOT want to get up at three in the morning, risk hitting traffic (yes, even on a Sunday), look for a parking space, register, find a decent port-o-potty, run 13.1 miles, and go home.

Besides, I love going to the expos the day before the race. It’s so fun visiting the vendors, getting samples, people watching, and checking out all the cool running gear. If you can’t tell, I’m pretty excited about this race.

More Running News
Today I ran about three miles after I dropped my youngest off at preschool. I decided to try a route I mapped out last night near the preschool. I was not familiar with the area, but it looked like a pretty simple loop. I was right about it being simple but I had no idea how hilly it would be. I think the entire loop was uphill! I know that’s not possible but it sure felt like it. Over the past few months, my running hasn’t been as consistent as I would like and the uphillness of the route really busted my butt! Not literally.

In the spirit of Halloween, here is a picture of a cemetery I ran past this morning.

I didn’t see any ghosts or zombies. It was actually a pretty, green, shady place. It was getting hot by 9:00 this morning so I was a little tempted to take a nice rest under a tree. I was a little worried someone would mistake me for a dead person and try to put me six feet under. Yes, I looked that bad after all the hils.

Got Pink?
One of my favorite bloggers is tall. She is a mom. She runs. She blogs. She also has an amazing giveaway this week! Tall Mom on the Run is offering the chance to win this beautiful Brooks for Her running jacket:

Brooks created the Brooks For Her (BFH) collection to help support
the fight against breast cancer. For each BFH piece purchased from
March through December 2009, Brooks will donate 6.25%
of the suggested retail price to three organizations that research and
support those affected by breast cancer:
The Young Survival Coalition,
Making Memories Breast Cancer Foundation, and
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, earmarked for
breast cancer research. Your vote, between March 1,
and December 31, 2009, determines how much of the total
donation each group gets.
No purchase necessary to vote. Learn more
the three selected charities
Learn more about
how BFH works
See the
Brooks For Her collection

Check out Tall Mom’s blog and see how you can enter for a chance to win!